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Cost of Metal Roofs

The Cost of Metal Roofs

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(817) 572-7663
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The Financial Benefits of Metal Roofs

They say, “a penny saved is a penny earned,” but that’s actually not the case at all. It’s actually much, much more. When you consider income tax, Medicare, Social Security, and the return on investment that you could be making with that money, you may actually have to earn up to $150 just to bring home $100.

Given this example, it becomes clear why saving money is so financially important. With a turbulent economy and erratic stock market, return on investment becomes harder and harder to achieve.

The safety and peace of mind of investing in your home is the smart choice. The Billy Ellis Roofing metal roof solutions actually generate cash flow. As far back as 1983, we were saving people on average 25 percent on their monthly energy bills. That’s why we call it the original green roof!

Is it safe to assume your energy bill will increase four percent per year? Take a look at your energy bill; it’s actually higher. But let’s stay with four percent. Assuming that the average electric bill is $400 a month, and assuming you’re going to save 25 percent on your energy bill, in five years, you will have saved $6,800. In 10 years, you will have saved $15,000. And in 30 years, you will have saved $70,000. That’s return on investment!

So, the question is not, “Do I want to spend the money?” You’re going to spend the money either way. The question becomes, “At the end of five years, do I want to have the permanent solution of a metal roof and the money it generated, or no solution and no money?”

Call for a free estimate or to schedule service.

Aluminum Metal Roof
Metal Roofing

Cost vs. Price

Yes, the initial price for a metal roof can be higher than that of a temporary solution like composition shingles but consider the cost of higher electric bills every month (aluminum roofing can save up to 25 percent off monthly energy bills), the higher cost for insurance (metal roofing can save up to 35 percent off homeowners’ insurance premiums), and the high cost of replacement (the price to replace a composition roof doubles about every 12 years). 

Because our aluminum roofing is permanent, energy-efficient, and hail resistant, it is considered “investment grade roofing.” Over the long haul, the actual cost of a permanent metal roof is much less than a temporary composition shingle. As a matter of fact, in many cases, one of our roofs will actually pay for itself in only 12 years. 

Metal Roof

Reliable Local Roofing Contractors

Call for a Free Estimate!

(817) 380-9540

(817) 380-9540

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“Travis and his team at Billy Ellis Roofing are the best contractors I have ever worked with. We had a great experience with the initial installation…when our roof developed a leak that began to drip through the drywall….Travis expedited the process, handling the bulk of the communications with our insurance company, promptly scheduling installation, and expertly and efficiently installing a very attractive and energy-efficient metal roof.”

- Jacob B.

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