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Types of Metal Roofs

Types of Metal Roofs

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Popular Metal Roofing Options

In the metal roofing industry, there are really three types of roofs to consider. The pros at Billy Ellis Roofing are well-versed in all of them.

The first and most common type of metal roof is the vertical panel. Many people know it as “standing seam.” There are many types of vertical panel. Standing seam is one of many. 

The second type, which is most popular in residential areas, is the metal shake, available in aluminum or steel. There are many variations – Spanish tile, wood shake, slate, etc.

The third type of metal roof is a stone-coated steel, which comes in a shake or tile design. This type of panel is not really considered a permanent solution because the granules do come off over a relatively short period of time and they tend to mold and mildew quickly; however, it is better than a composite roof.

Metal roofs do not grow mold and mildew like their counterparts, with the exception of stone-coated steel. Most modern metal roofs have protection against rust. When galvalume is cut or bent, the protective layers are damaged or removed from those parts and some corrosion does happen (but doesn’t get worse). 

Some natural metal roofs, like zinc and copper, acquire a patina over time on the outside of the metal that protects the rest of the metal from corrosion. Should this patina be scratched, the metal heals itself as the patina reforms over the scratch and looks just like it did before. 

Steel roofs have protective coatings that keep the steel from rusting.

Ready to invest in a new metal roof? Call for a free estimate or to schedule service.

Vertical Panels
Metal Shakes
Stone-Coated Steel

Vertical Panels

There are many benefits in choosing a metal roof, such as getting a discount on home insurance. Some insurance agencies don’t give discounts for metal roofs, but others do. Each insurance agency will have different rules to qualify for the discount, and the size of the discount will depend on the insurance agency. 

However, some areas have mandatory discounts for certain roof types determined by state insurance boards. The environmental hazards in every area are different, so discounts often vary by region. Thirty percent discounts are possible in many regions. 

Vertical Panels

Metal Shakes

Metal roofs generally have a high amount of recycled content. The exact amount of recycled content varies greatly. If you are concerned about how much recycled content is actually in your metal roofing system of choice, contact the manufacturer. 

Whether or not they were made from recycled material, all metal roofs are recyclable. They also come with long-lasting warranties. Forty- to 50-year warranties are quite common. This means that a metal roof is likely to last much longer than 40 to 50 years. It’s not hard to imagine that if you live in the same house your whole life, you’ll never have to get another roof if it’s metal!

Metal Shakes

Stone-Coated Steel

One of these protective coatings is usually another metal that has corrosion resistance like zinc or aluminum. Metal roofs weigh less than almost any other roofing material per square foot. It is a common misconception that a metal roof is heavier than other materials, but because of the durability and other properties of metal, it is possible to make a metal roof lighter than other materials. In fact, a metal roof is light enough to put on top of most existing roofs today.

Snow is not a problem for metal roofs. The main thing to be concerned about is whether the structure can handle the added weight of the snow. Metal roofs also increase the value of your home. The value added won’t be more than what you pay for the metal roof, but most of the cost will translate into value in your home.

Stone-Coated Steel

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“Johnny made sure everything was perfect. I am so glad I made the switch from standard shingles to aluminum shake back in 2013. I think it gives my country house such a cute cottage look.”

- Bobbie L.

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